What does dummy content look like?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ornare tempus aliquet. Pellentesque finibus, est et iaculis suscipit, dolor nulla commodo dui, nec ultricies arcu nisl tristique eros. Morbi eros est, pulvinar eget ornare ac, ultrices eget risus. Ut lobortis pellentesque pretium. Praesent sollicitudin vestibulum iaculis. Mauris a finibus orci. Quisque ipsum nunc, efficitur sit amet blandit ut, aliquam quis dui. Phasellus interdum leo eu ipsum malesuada, et interdum diam egestas. Maecenas pretium fermentum tortor ac tincidunt. Curabitur consectetur dolor libero, at aliquam est ornare eleifend. Aliquam at finibus dolor.
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10 months, 2 weeks ago
AnnaKt AnnaKt
What is the relationship between lorem ipsum & Web Design?
While building out a new website you may have literally no idea of where to start from. Platforms like WordPress also use dummy content to provide a better user experience before you even make your first edit on the site. It makes it easier for you to decide which part would have the content and not. Lorem ipsum is indistinguishable from web designing as long as the designer is interested in finishing off the project faster.
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3 months, 1 week ago
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Why lorem ipsum is helpful?
It let’s designer focus on his/her strength which is visual presentation or graphics. Imagine a designer having to make a copywriter or content writer to write every single page before he could start the work, it will waste time for both of them right?
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1 week, 2 days ago
Online_rkKr Online_rkKr